So sorry about the delay in posting its been a busy day (no gym today but i'll explain this in a bit). So Wednesday was the first run day! It was good fun actually, I forgot how much I used to enjoy running so it was good to get back into it. I did extend it for 30 minutes which worked out pretty well although I was doing 2 minute jog, 1 minute walk, 3 minute run, 2 minute walk alternations with increasing speed especially towards the end.
I'm guessing it happens for a lot of people but when a good song comes on my god does it make me want to run hard. Sometimes its not a song I particularly like but it has the right feeling to it, the crescendo is perfect the bpm is perfect and it makes me want to run until I puke.
I manage 2 miles with about 13 minute warm up and cool down included for a total time of 30-35minutes which is a nice start. Not the distance or time i'm aiming for but its a nice start. I did the cross trainer for 15 minutes too which was a bit too long but i'm going to keep it at that time, my legs were burning a little after the cross trainer but I went and stretched and started the weight portion of the workout so it wasn't too much of an issue.
The weights on the other hand are. I foolishly decided not to have a day break between weight sessions so i'm now in a lot of pain. The exercises I did for the back also innately worked the shoulders too a bit so doing a shoulder day the following day means its hard to lift my arms today, which is mainly why I had the rest day today.
It also turns out I cant bench for shit, the bar is about 20kg and I can barely do that. I also used the smith machine thinking it'd be safer since I don't have someone to spot and because the other bench was occupied and I gotta say, I hate it. It just feels weird, so I'll try to use the other bench next time I do chest.
Part of the issue with the pain today is because I don't really know any effective shoulder stretches, so when I warmed down I didn't really help myself there. The warm down stretches for the legs have been awesome though, so even with me not being used to the bike and run my legs still feel pretty fresh.
I also did my first swim on Wednesday too. My god does it feel good to get in the pool (after a shower of course) after sweating like an absolute pig for an 1hr+. My only issue is my plan said 200m swim and thats it which is a bit useless tbh :/. I did find a advertisement for something called swmfit which must have been a sponsered plan to get people in the pool for the olympics around the nation so I checked out their website and will be following one of their plans.
Other than that I feel good, minus the sore arse from the bike (I don't wan to ride again until I get a pair of shorts) and the rash where my thighs rub together now I got fat. So from now on the strength training will have a day in between and follow this: Legs and Back, Biceps and Triceps, Chest and shoulders. Abs will be thrown in on the days I feel like it (more interested in cardio to lose the belly fat).
My diet is beginning to clean up and i'm thinking of trying the paleo diet but i'm undecided yet. Collegewise shit is good. I enrolled today and it turns out I can start on the HNC straight away, bad news is its gonna cost nearly four grand so I have to deal with fucking student finance again, but we do what we must!
Swim day tomorrow, hopefully my arms are a little less sore!
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